Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the opportunities information technology opens up to innovation, and improvement to the ways personal care and relevant ADLs work can be delivered effectively
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the opportunities information technology opens up to innovation, and improvement to the ways personal care and relevant ADLs work can be delivered effectively
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the opportunities information technology opens up to innovation, and improvement to the ways personal care and relevant ADLs work can be delivered effectively
We can all attest to the importance of having social Health care services at are joined up with all relevant stakeholders, fit for purpose, and delivering the best outcomes for service users of all ages, orientations, backgrounds, and creeds.
Interestingly the government is stepping into the challenges and building capacity necessary – now the question that remains is if those care providers that need support are getting it or left to wing it or mere afterthought in the digitising journey!
I read with pleasure the post by Alice Ainsworth, of 9th November 2023 .Of course it has become pertinent to get behind quality Care and support, Digital skills and technologies in social care, Information sharing, Innovation, Leadership, Technology and data, and Workforce, and we at Unique Services Portfolio Limited are big and aspirational in all of the above.
Absolutely, “Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the opportunities information technology opens up to innovation, and improvement to the ways personal care and relevant ADLs work can be delivered effectively.”
But them of all those organisations currently, the small care providers that need more support are mostly missing in the rollcall – and this require a look by the government and those providing these funding for digitisation.
It is evident we are now in about the19 months of delivering a government three-year plan of £150 million investment in digitally transforming adult social care, as set out in their 2021 white paper of Care. It represents a significant time and yet most small care provider don’t have knowledge of the digitisation, relevant funding and support and I think it worthwhile for the government to have al look at the involvement and participation to ensure good spend and engaging diverse segments of the sector in their uplift efforts not just in this digital element and holistically, I would say.
In fact, which would mean that we have got momentum building from the sector that ensure all size and shape of regulated care services providers receive support, especially when piloting an initiative, the common good of all in the community. There is no doubt about the positive outcomes and opportunities that information technology opens to all players, as we all strive to improve the ways we work, and support people who use our services in the comfort of their homes.
It worth noting, that our organisation (Unique Servies Portfolio Limited) has from the word go put a marker to consistently put time and financial investment, in the understanding that “efficiency, knowledge that digital social care records (DSCRs) and information care technologies always makes organisation more efficient and helps us provide the quality and safety care that our clients and their relatives and loved to seek always.
It must be recalled that before the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are regulator even started their efforts for care providers to get digital ready – we are the first less than one year old small start-up to be social care IT digital ready through our providers – The Access Group. Unique Services Portfolio is digital and, provides efficient and responsive home care services to our clients in the comfort of their homes – one of success secrets – don’t believe what we say, ask our stakeholders too!
As the government is listening and willing to make changes and improve the programme, I suggest they continue to reach out to new and small care provider, as they also contribute to the relevant responses to
to the sector’s needs. I am my personal views, and hopefully speaking for the wider voices of newly formed and small providers – who may benefit more from any form of support too.
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
“May be a good question for the champions of this funding – of more than 60% of providers now using DSCRs – from a starting point of just 40%, how many are new start-ups and relatively small too.” Let make the progress together, taking everyone along! The Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are doing an amazing job, and I believe that more empowerment to the social care would even benefit effort and amplify outcomes for all.
The social care sector has a significant role to play when it comes to service that help reduce or avoidable hospital admissions and supports, supporting them – including new start-ups with digital innovation essential in providing quality and safety of care.
We salute the initiative and the launch of the Adult Social Care Technology Fund in April 2023 towards identifying technology solutions within the sector. Although the funding “wave 2” is almost conclusive, yet most new start-ups and small organisations are clueless about it. Hopefully, were change and improvements are necessary that my points, of bringing about a mix of participants to ensure a robust and comprehensive understanding from the sector.
To support the adult social care workforce to have the skills and confidence to embrace technology, we have updated our digital skills framework and training database. We are also developing a digital leadership qualification.
We published the what good looks like framework for social care and produced a wealth of advice and guidance, Find it all on our new website.
The Care Quality Commission, continues to push forward with IT and innovation in social care delivery in England – as “maintaining an outstanding or good rating links to having an effective and safe digital social care record solution in place”
For funding details and support available, please visit digitising social care website.
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…
Many care providers have jumped at the chance to access the funding and support available and are positive about the…